Friday, January 31, 2014

Ode to Rat

dear big black rat in my kitchen, i know we've had our differences. but i already fed you, sang songs to you, and we even ran around the house a couple of times. but my heart has grown weary now. and i think yours too, since i just saw you trying to squeeze yourself out of my house, and my life, in a little corner beside the cabinet. but we both know you won't fit. i'm not saying you're fat. i'm just saying that i already mustered enough courage to open the door to your freedom and finally let you go. so go now, turn your hairy back towards me, and leave. i have learned to forgive you and, in the process, forgive myself for letting "us" go. you will always occupy a special place in my heart. and an irrational and blind hatred from my sister. she never approved of us to begin with.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Copyright Infringement

The words in this blog - the essays and stories - are the creations of my mind. Under existing laws on intellectual property, my rights over them are protected from the moment of their creation. 

If you wish to use my creations for any reason other than private consumption, please email me and ask for permission. If this is too cumbersome for you, please make the necessary attributions. 

Plagiarism is not only illegal. It is pathetic. Passing off someone else's work as your own is definitely not sexy. We all have gifts given by the universe. Find yours and don't make it appear that you are similarly gifted.

Who knows, maybe you will shine most using your own words. 

Happy writing. 

- Miguel Rafael 

Till I met you

I begin with kindness. Or at least something that resembles kindness.

I then go to gentleness. Or at least how one perceives it. A peck on the cheek, a soft touch, or a lingering look.

And then I end with forgiveness.

For 2014, I agree with Ms. Odette Quesada. For all intents and purposes, dreaming is no longer a childish thing. And love is not a game that children play.